FL Studio 12.1.1


FL Studio 12.1 launch video:





Notes over 120 (10th octave) now do various actions in live mode
Removed Steinway Grand instrument
Added new instruments: Close Grand and Stage Grand
Renamed “flat database” to “alphabetical”
Added FL executables that are scaled by Windows


Rename window empty for FX plugins
Effect names too long in extra wide view in mixer\tab
Zipped channels cut off when resizing in mini PR view
Added track name and/or plugin name to automation clip names
Don’t allow adding a track if there’s anything on track 199 of the playlist
Fixed resizing of step sequencer when hiding/showing mixer track selectors
Fixed default filter in sample open dialogs
Dashboard: removed mixer track selector in channel rack
Delay Bank: Param reset on load
Edison: doesn’t save sample filename as unicode
Fruity Send: fixed threading issue
Fruity Slicer: crash when trying to use elastique
Keyboard Splitter: velocity not correct for VST plugins
Keyboard Splitter: removed popup from manual mapping button
Newtone: abstract error when resizing editor
Patcher: “midi in” plugins now receive untranslated midi data as sent by other plugin
Patcher: pitch applied twice to VST plugins
Patcher: pitch difference when played through Flowstone
Patcher: can’t drop channel preset
Vocodex: crash when selecting “Machine 2” synthesizer preset
Wave Traveller: crash changing preset from preview keyboard (x64)
Wrapper: sometimes shows editor with size of options window