FL Studio 10.9 (beta)

Lots of small and bigger fixes
FPC: fixed threading bugs
DirectWave: fixed garbage in sample start/end strings
Patcher: fixed cpu usage


Page Up/Down cycles through the current mixer track’s plugin windows
Support for Panorama P4 & QuNeo controllers
Can now drop Patcher presets from browser/picker onto generators/effects to “Patcherize” them.
Double-clicking plugins in a picker called from Patcher, opens them in the caller.
Clicking a clip once (but not moving it) now also selects it (even when not playing).
FPC: option to reset all outputs
Newtone: changed implementation of “tempo sync” checkbox
Patcher: support for VFX plugins, rewrite of “map” tab
Wrapper: load 64bit plugin if 32bit isn’t installed and vice versa