
Tell us about how you got into music?

My name is Tevin Plaate born and raised in Amsterdam. I’m a music producer known as Spanker. I have produced songs for the best artists in The Netherlands like CHO (Popalik, Misschien wel he), Frenna (My Love, Wasteman), Yellowclaw (Slowdown) and many more.

Examples include 3 tracks with M.I.A. Her latest album AIM and a track for Chris Brown on his mixtape: OHB x Section Boyz.

Music has always been a big part of my life. My mother used to play a lot of music when I was a kid. From Soul to Reggae, Hiphop, R&B, Salsa & Merengue. My biggest inspiration was Michael Jackson, his music was and still is magical to me.

At the time I didn’t really know what a producer was or how a song was build. I just knew I liked certain melodies and drum patterns. Once I heard Timbaland’s productions I was sure I wanted to make beats. The way he put sounds together really fascinated me.

Tell us about your genre and style of music

I like to produce in different “genres” like Hiphop, Pop, R&B and Afrobeat.?I don’t really think too much when it comes to music. I just want it to feel and sound good. My parents are both from an island in the caribbean, called Curaçao. I always try to bring that caribbean vibe in my music.

How did you start using FL Studio & what does it mean to your productions?

FL Studio is the best! A DJ introduced me to FL studio when I was 12/13 years old. It blew my mind how you could make a drum pattern within seconds. I played around with it for some years and by the age of 15 I was sure I wanted to be a producer. FL studio helps me to get ideas in my head  to a beat really fast.

Tell us about your production environment & toys?

I travel a lot so I work in a lot of different studio’s. All I really need is my laptop, headphones and a keyboard and i’m good 2 go!?

Do you have any links you would like to share?

Tevin (Spanker).